

Global UGRAD Program

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Global UGRAD Program Roadmap

Before applying to the program what you have to have or be:

is at least 18 years old at the start of the program;

is a citizen of Uzbekistan, currently residing and studying in Uzbekistan;

is currently enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student in good standing at any accredited university, public or private, in Uzbekistan;

has completed at least one semester of study prior to starting their Global UGRAD program;

will have at least one academic year to complete at their home institution after the Global UGRAD program.

Benefits of the program:

The program fully funds your tuition, stay, meals and emergency expenses in the USA, round ticket, monthly stipend and any other additional expenses (visa fee, Toefl fee, etc)

It allows you to do an exchange at an American University for one academic semester

Lets you join the US Exchanges Alumni team, you will be invited to different events at the Embassy and will have the chance to establish network with the best professionals in their fields

Before the applications open:

Try to gain leadership experience and experience in community service. Global UGRAD looks for students with leadership potential. Try to show your aspiration to become a leader in your chosen field of study in your application and persuade the admission committee that you have the potential to do so. The best way to do so is by giving specific examples of what you have done besides studying at the university, e.g. volunteer work, leadership positions (course representative, college club president), projects, research, achievements. In order to have something to say start acting now and enrich your time at the university with additional activities and pursuits.

Step 1 step:

Get familiar with further eligibility requirements and the goals of the program by following this link: Global Undergraduate Exchange Program. This will help you understand if you are a good fit for the program and will aid in crafting a good application that demonstrates compatibility with the program's values.

Step 2 step:

Open an account on the web portal and start your application. The admission for applications usually starts in the second half of November and continues up to December 15. You can apply for the Fall or Spring semester of the next academic year. Find the link to the application portal on the official website of World Learning, the organization that administers the program: Global Undergraduate Exchange Program. Main documents required: Two essays up to 600 words, two recommendation letters, official transcript of grades in English, passport copy, and an optional portfolio for practical majors.

Step 3 step:

Prepare and upload all the mentioned documents. Fill out additional questions in the portal about your hobbies, community service, and achievements.

Step 4 step:

Double-check the accuracy of all the provided information and submit the form. Save the draft as you fill in the information. When ready, press “Mark complete” and then submit the form. Take your time to work on your documents and prepare them well.

Step 5 step:

The results of the application process will be announced in the last week of January or the first week of February. Out of hundreds of applications, 33 will proceed to the interview stage and be considered semi-finalists. The interview will be held online via Zoom or Google Meets platforms. Typical interview questions include reasons for participating in the program, career goals, potential difficulties in America, exposure to diverse communities, and teamwork experience.

Step 6 step:

After the interview stage, in about a week, only 8-9 candidates out of 33 will receive invitations to take the TOEFL exam, with the fee covered by the Embassy. The minimum TOEFL iBT score required is 49 (IELTS 5.5 equivalent). Out of these candidates, 6 are finalists and 2-3 are alternate finalists. Alternate finalists will upgrade to finalist status if a finalist withdraws.

Step 7 step:

Final results of the program will be announced in April along with an official congratulatory letter from the Embassy.

Step 8 step:

In mid-June, you will receive an email with your university placement. Note that you cannot choose the host university yourself.

Step 9 step:

Start preparing medical documents and visa applications. The Embassy will provide great assistance in all stages from here on.

Good luck to the applicants, no matter how lengthy and complicated the process might seem now, once you start off it is much easier than you think, believe me! Best of luck and don’t forget to send us your pictures from the USA! 😊✊